• Question: Are medical practises and machines portrayed accurately modern media (TV/Movies)? Is it laughable for you when watching if it isn't?

    Asked by Ben Britton to Dominic, Maedeh, Matthew, Matt, Monica on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Matthew Round

      Matthew Round answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      My partner watches Holby City and I just spend the whole time going “Wheres the radiographer” and “I didn’t see them complete the MRI safety questionnaire”. As you can imagine it’s a right laugh in our house.

    • Photo: Dominic Eggbeer

      Dominic Eggbeer answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      The media typically makes a mockery of real life, but from the little I’ve seen recently, efforts are being made to make some of the TV series a bit more relevant and accurate to real life.

      Films are usually the worst, except Star Trek – give me some of that tech any day!

    • Photo: Matthew Oldfield

      Matthew Oldfield answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I think a doctor could answer this better than me. As an Engineer, even watching CSI it’s possible to see what’s reasonable and what is fairy tales. We did actually discover an interesting test for needle insertions after watching a bullet fired into gelatine covered in paint. This was from CSI – so it’s not all nonsense.

      I watched ER avidly when I was younger. Every time I’ve been in a hospital it has been a lot calmer than that and the operating theatre seems far less chaotic. There are lots of rules to be followed whenever a surgeon is operating.

    • Photo: Monica Rozeik

      Monica Rozeik answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Some things are pretty laughable. There’s that movie Crank: High Voltage where the guy uses car batteries and tasers to recharge his artificial heart! In real life, people with an artificial heart have to carry a large external battery on a rucksack.
