• Question: did you learn what you know in school or in your later life?

    Asked by lucy knight to Dominic on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Dominic Eggbeer

      Dominic Eggbeer answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      In some cases, it’s hard to make a direct link between things I learnt at school and what I do now. In others it’s pretty easy. For example, design technology taught me a lot about how things work, materials and manufacturing processes. It also gave me confidence to tinker, take things apart and fix things. I do all of that at work now. English gave me suitable background in writing, which I do every day in work, whether it’s writing scientific papers, reports or just drafting mails and letters. I struggled with subjects like maths which seemed to go in one ear and out of the other! However, it’s an important subject that has application in numerous areas, so worth persisting with even if it’s difficult.

      I think I was also fortunate enough that my school gave me a wider confidence in myself and let me explore ideas and applications of technology. Confidence is a useful thing for schooling to nurture.
