• Question: Do you know any places/websites/ books/ resources that would help me find a job that interests me? I know I'm interested in medicine but I still don't know what I want to specialise in and I'm finding hard to look for options. Don't worry if you don't, it might not exist anyway! :)

    Asked by Lucrezia to Dominic, Maedeh, Matthew, Matt, Monica on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Matthew Round

      Matthew Round answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      The link below might be of some use as a starting point. It might serve as some inspiration or it might confirm medicine isn’t for you (you said about biology being boring).


      Maybe if you don’t know what to specialise in, general practice might be for you. I doubt that ever gets dull.

    • Photo: Monica Rozeik

      Monica Rozeik answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Yeah! One really cool website which talks about the different medicine specialties and what you could do in each one is this:

      They also have lots of links to other websites, an interactive game on the human body and interviews from some of the scientists and medics on why they like their job.

    • Photo: Dominic Eggbeer

      Dominic Eggbeer answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      There’s a journal called the Journal of Engineering in Medicine. Sadly, it’s not open access, so a bit difficult to get hold of.

      Introduction to biomedical engineering may be a useful book to consider http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk/jsp/id/9780123749796?gclid=CjwKEAiA9om3BRDpzvihsdGnhTwSJAAkSewL8NPVqWJREmq2xPfj-4Bw28dcrSUoauxjr8CLVflUVhoCRMPw_wcB

      or http://www.amazon.co.uk/Biomedical-Engineering-Bridging-Technology-Cambridge/dp/0521840996

      There’s a blog (I’ve not explored it) here http://www.medicalengineers.co.uk/news/ It doesn’t seem very active though.

      Another blog here http://motivationintomedicine.tumblr.com/archive

      Consider what you like doing and where your skills currently are. If you have a careers advisor, talk to them. Otherwise, keep searching the internet for general subject areas you think will interest you and add the term career. You may get lucky.

    • Photo: Matthew Oldfield

      Matthew Oldfield answered on 14 Mar 2016:

      Hi Lucrezia.

      I’m not very good at looking at these kind of resources. One thing I could suggest is looking at University websites and trying to see what differences there are between subjects such as Medical Imaging, Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Product Design, Healthcare, Biology, Nursing. You’ll begin to get a sense of what you need to study to have a career in one of these areas and how they are different from each other.

      The other thing I would strongly recommend is trying to get some work experience in a hospital or university laboratory where medical research is done. That will help to show you all of the different elements that come together to make medicine so interesting. If you are able to get some work experience or an internship try to ask as many questions as possible to find out what people do and what may be of interest to you.

      Also, as a final thing, keep you eyes and ears open to interesting stories in the news. See what catches your attention and what you can find out about the people making the discoveries online.

      Hope this helps!
