• Question: What is your favourite animal? :3

    Asked by Mimi to Dominic, Maedeh, Matthew, Matt, Monica on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Matthew Oldfield

      Matthew Oldfield answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I love cats and pandas. Its a lot easier to own a cat though!

    • Photo: Monica Rozeik

      Monica Rozeik answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      My mum has two cats so I look forward to meeting them when I visit. I also really like dogs, it’s so fun seeing them get so excited when they’re going to the park.

    • Photo: Matthew Round

      Matthew Round answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I grew up around cats so I am very fond of them, they are my favourite domestic animal.

      In the wild, I’ve always been interested in Dolphins and Whales as they are so intelligent. I’d love to go swimming with Dolphins one day.

    • Photo: Dominic Eggbeer

      Dominic Eggbeer answered on 18 Mar 2016:

      Dogs. I am very sad today since I had to have my much loved springer spaniel put to sleep yesterday evening. I’d love another, but there are lots of reasons that’s no possible now.
